Parc Monceau, Jacquemart-Andre, Walking, Eiffel Tower – Day 21

Eiffel Tower lit

Eiffel Tower at dusk

We ended the day by seeing the Eiffel Tower lit up at dusk. This is one of the most beautiful sights in Paris, in my opinion.

The day started with the goal of visiting the Jacquemart-Andre museum and Monceau park, just up the street from the museum. I took the bus, a great way to see the city. As we approached the Gare St.Lazare rail station, we sat in a big traffic jam for almost 30 minutes. The driver wouldn’t let us off in the middle of traffic even though many wanted off. I was content to just sit on the bus and watch the people passing. We finally moved forward and everyone had to get off at the rail station. I’m not sure why, but the driver stopped the route there even though he had about 10 more stops. So I found another bus that would take me to Jacquemart-Andre. By the time I got to the museum I realized I wouldn’t have time to see the museum and the park so I decided to go to the park instead. I did get a picture of the outside of the Museum. Now I have a reason to return to Paris – to see the Jacquemart-Andre museum. On second thought, I don’t need a reason to return to Paris!

Jacquemart-Andre Museum

Jacquemart-Andre Museum

Parc Monceau is a small, beautiful and elegant park. It was filled with small children with their moms and nannies. I enjoyed walking through the park before meeting Don for lunch.



Classical colonnade in Parc Monceau

We returned to Little Breizh in the Latin Quarter and enjoyed the delicious buckwheat crepes. We slowly made our way back to the apartment. I never tire of walking the streets of Paris.

Little Breizh Cola

Little Breizh Cola

Inside Littel Breizh

Inside Little Breizh

We'll miss Little Breizh!

We’ll miss Little Breizh!

That evening we went to see the Eiffel Tower. The atmosphere around the tower is very festive. It’s like New Year’s Eve every night there! As we approached the Pont d’lena bridge headed towards Trocadero Place to get a good view, we saw it was filled with hundreds of people all dressed in white, eating dinner.

Dinner in white

Dinner in white

I asked one of the diners what was going on and she told me it was a wedding party. That sounded right, but we estimated about 1000 people were seated at tables on that bridge. But it’s Paris, so somehow it seemed fitting. After we saw the tower and were headed back to the apartment by bus, along the Seine, we saw that every bridge was filled with diners dressed in white. This couldn’t be another wedding, or could it? This morning I googled what we saw and found out that last night was the “Dinner in White,” a fundraising event for cancer research. Those participating are notified one hour before the location is revealed. They are required to bring a table for two, chairs and wine, are asked to leave by midnight, with no trash left behind. It was an amazing sight to see them all on the bridges dressed in white.

Evening in White

Dinner in White, Pont d’lena

Tomorrow, Lunch in Luxembourg Garden!

3 thoughts on “Parc Monceau, Jacquemart-Andre, Walking, Eiffel Tower – Day 21

  1. Wow! Dinner in white is something to see. It’s been a little while since I visited your blog and see you haven’t stopped for a breather! Where does all your energy come from! lol I’m not sure I could keep up. Do you think after this trip you will ever go back to Paris? You know I told you my daughter-in-law lived there for a while. Have fun!

  2. Love your posts. It is like a new trip every day. Gave your blog address to my granddaughter who is coming to Paris in July. It will give her lots of ideas for exploring. She has Rick Steves book and I see you use it regularly. We miss you at the library but know you are having a wonderful time in Paris.

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